Shiny New Website
Well, after thinking about this for months, I finally took the plunge. There just never seemed to be a good time to transition to a new website – but here we are. And I’m really pleased with the result. Many thanks to Mark at https://www.vtswebservices.co.uk for all your hard work, help and putting up with me and my pedantics 🙂
I wanted to keep the old look and feel to the site, but with a new lick of paint and a freshen up. The menu on the left on the old site was getting longer and longer and becoming more difficult to navigate. So I hope everyone likes the new shop page.
There is still a lot of work to do, and IN PARTICULAR I need to get the stock options sorted. On the old site I had four stock options:
In Stock
Out of Stock
Special order via email (for Zwergnase dolls)
Sold out, for reference only (which should only apply for Zwergnase archives, but seems to be the default for any items across the website that are out of stock)
Unfortunately, in the transition there were only options 1 and 4 available – but this will all be sorted at the beginning of the week and options 2 and 3 will be reinstated. Please be aware that this affects a lot of the newer Zwergnase dolls which are wrongly showing as sold out.
I hope you all enjoy the new look, but please bear with me while a few glitches are ironed out.
Of course, feel free to email me trisha@krbearsanddolls.com if you have any problems at all.
Best wishes, Trisha 🙂