Shiny New Updated Blog
Oooohhh…welcome to the shiny brand new updated blog everyone. It’s now possible to add your comments, so I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
So what’s new at KR Bears and Dolls? A delivery from Gotz on its way, including the previously sold-out Luisa:
I only have a few of Happy Kidz Charlotte left, before she is sold out here – and no more are available for me to order from Gotz – so if you’re looking for Charlotte, be quick!
We’re still patiently waiting for 2018 Petitcollin Natterer doll Pierre, with more of Inez, Clementine and Jade – who have been in stock, but sold out pretty quickly. All due to arrive early September, so just a little more patience is needed.
I’ve almost sold out of Zwergnase dolls, save for Nadine and Marlene . Zwergnase are currently on their annual holidays until 17th August, but as soon as they are back there will be a big re-ordering session!
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather. It’s been hot and dry in Framlingham, but this morning (9th August) we are just getting some welcome rain. Ironic really, as this is the ONE day that we could have done with fine weather, as Chris is fitting an ESSE cooker today and it’s really no fun delivering and fitting cookers in the rain. Some of you probably know that our other passion is our cookshop – www.krcookshop.com
Anyway, hopefully you all like the shiny new blog and I’m off to update the cookshop – which also has a shiny new blog!
Trisha 🙂